Still other seed fell on fertile soil. This seed grew and produced a crop that was a hundred times as much as had been planted!” When he had said this, he called out, “Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand.”
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
Children's Church: Children under 12 only
7:00 p.m. Taco Tuesday - Men's Bible Study
6:30-7:30 p.m. Power Hour
Fellowship, Praise, Testimonies, and Powerful Prayer
Women's Small Group Bible Study
For more information, Contact Ami Rediske.
6:00 p.m. Prime Timers
For more information, Contact Kathy Kole
Our children will be staying with us of the whole service and we will take communion after break. We encourage all believers to share in this sacrament.
Join us for testimony, prayer, and soup. Contact Josh Quantrell at the church office for more information.
Chaddah Dance CO. will be sharing a presentation at the Kenai Central High School auditorium. This powerful dramatization will feature stories of human trafficking and freedom. This also serves as an introduction to the problems and the solutions to these problems. Due to the nature of the message, parents are encouraged to be mindful of attendance by children. Tickets are available at the door for $10. For more information, contact Deb Denton.
Support The Compass as they work with the youth in our community! This event will be held at Peninsula Grace church in K-Beach. There will be food, a 10 gun and other raffles, inspiration, and more. Tickets are available online or at The Compass. Event tickets start at $60. For more information, stop by The Compass or visit:
Kairos is a powerful, intensive outreach program that takes place over several days in Wildwood. There are many opportunities to serve, everything from prayer support and baking cookies to in-person ministry. Show someone in one of the hardest places the compassion of Jesus' heart. For more information, contact Gus Flensburg.
Please fill out a connection card to make sure your prayer request is prayed for throughout the week. Connection cards are found right above the offering box in the main hall.
Are you new to our family, or have you been with us for a while and have new contact information? Either way, we have an easy way to help you get connected! You can fill out a physical connection card located above the tithe box, or you can fill one online here.
Gennaris Family: Compelled Ones
Called to Africa to make disciples and to show God's love to their neighbors. The Gennaris are missionaries to Mozambique in partnership with YWAM. Ian and Carla have 3 sons and are currently working with the Yawo people, who have almost no gospel witness. After arriving in 2015, they spent 2 years showing the love of Christ in physical ways, particularly Carla, who is a highly trained nurse. The first converts were discipled, those people have shared the gospel with and discipled others. Most of these people cannot read, so 1,100 audio Bibles were purchased, one for each household. After revisiting these groups there is now a need for an additional 3,000 Bibles. They are opening a clinic this year, in addition to the other ways they minister. For more information go to: or Youtube: Compelled Ones Channel
Sow What?
Mark 4:1-20
On the clock tower of my alma mater is an Art Deco bas-relief sculpture titled The Sower. The inscription beneath it is from Galatians 6:7, “Whatsoever a man soweth.” Michigan State University remains a leader in agricultural research, but despite many improvements in farming techniques and crop production, this fact remains: Seeds of corn will not produce a crop of beans.
Jesus used many farming metaphors to explain the kingdom of God. In the parable of the sower (Mark 4), He compared the Word of God to seeds sown in different types of soil. As the parable indicates, the sower sows indiscriminately, knowing that some seed will fall in places where it will not grow.
Like Jesus, we are to sow good seed in all places at all times. God is responsible for where it lands and how it grows. The important thing is that we sow. God does not want us to reap destruction, so He wants us to sow what is good and right (Prov. 11:18). The apostle Paul elaborated on the metaphor when he warned believers not to sow seeds of corruption. Instead, we are to sow seeds that will reap eternal life (Gal. 6:8).
The answer to the question, “Sow what?” is “Sow what you want to reap.” To reap a good harvest in your life, start sowing seeds of goodness.
By: Julie Ackerman Link - Our Daily Bread